The National Health Service (Dental Charges) (Scotland) Regulations 2003

Calculation of charges

4.—(1) Subject to paragraphs (4) and (5), the amount of the charge which may be made and recovered under regulations 2(1) and 3(1) is 80% of the Statement remuneration (rounded down, where necessary, to the nearest whole penny).

(2) In these Regulations “Statement remuneration” means–

(a)in relation to the supply (whether or not as part of general dental services) of an appliance described in regulation 2(1), the remuneration provided for by the Statement of Dental Remuneration as that payable to a dental practitioner for the supply of an appliance of that type; or

(b)in relation to the provision of services described in regulation 3(1), the total amount provided for by the Statement of Dental Remuneration as that payable to the dental practitioner for the provision of those services but where a patient has been accepted by a dental practitioner under a continuing care arrangement or a capitation arrangement or for treatment on referral, does not include the payment which, in accordance with that Statement, falls to be made to the dentist in respect of such an arrangement or referral.

(3) For the purposes of paragraph (2), where the Statement remuneration for any service is a fee of such amount as the Board may in its discretion approve, whether or not subject to a maximum, the amount is–

(a)if the Board has approved a fee for the service, the amount of fee so approved, notwithstanding any subsequent variation of that amount on appeal; or

(b)if the Board has refused to approve a fee for the service, the amount of any fee authorised for it on appeal.

(4) Where a dental practitioner–

(a)has, under a contract or an arrangement for the provision of general dental services or services under a pilot scheme, begun to provide for a patient services which include the supply of an appliance described in regulation 2(1); and

(b)has referred that patient, for the supply of that appliance otherwise than as part of general dental services or services under a pilot scheme, to a Health Board or NHS trust or to a hospital or other person or body with which arrangements have been made for the provision of services under the Act,

the amount of the charge for that supply shall be calculated in accordance with Schedule 1, and the dental practitioner shall provide the Health Board, NHS trust, hospital or other person or body with a written statement of the amounts mentioned in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph 1 of that Schedule.

(5) The amount of the charges payable under regulations 2(1) and 3(1) in respect of all dental appliances supplied and other services provided in pursuance of any one contract or arrangement shall not exceed £372 in the aggregate; and £372 is the sum prescribed for the purposes of paragraph 3(3) of Schedule 11 to the Act and section 20(5) of the 1997 Act.