The Regulation of Care (Requirements as to Limited Registration Services) (Scotland) Regulations 2003

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations )

These Regulations set out requirements which must be complied with by providers of a limited registration service under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001. A limited registration service must be provided in accordance with the general principles set out in regulation 2. The provider is required by regulation 3 to prepare a written statement of the aims and objectives of the limited registration service.

The Regulations specify persons who are not fit to provide (regulation 4), manage (regulation 5) or be employed in (regulation 7) a limited registration service. They also require providers to make certain notifications to the Scottish Commission for the Regulation of Care (regulation 6).

Regulation 8 imposes requirements as to staffing.

Providers are required to provide the Commission with the information specified in regulation 9, to give notice of certain events as provided for by regulations 13 to 15, and to keep records as provided for by regulation 12. By regulation 16 they are required to establish and operate a complaints procedure.

Regulation 10 makes provision as to the appointment of a manager of a limited registration service and regulation 11 specifies what is to be happen where a liquidator or similar person is appointed.

Regulation 17 provides that the contravention of specified provisions of these Regulations shall be an offence.