The Food (Star Anise from Third Countries) (Emergency Control) (Scotland) Order 2002


2.  In this Order–

“the Act” means the Food Safety Act 1990;

“the Commission Decision” means Commission Decision 2002/75/EC(1) imposing special conditions on the import from third countries of star anise;

“free circulation” has the same meaning as in Article 23.2 of the Treaty establishing the European Community;

“Japanese star anise” means star anise (Illicium anisatum, also known as Illicium religiosum, Illicium japonicum, shikimmi and skimmi);

“star anise for human consumption” means star anise (Illicium verum also known as Chinese star anise or Chinese badian) falling within CN Code 0909 10 00 which is intended for human consumption or for use as an ingredient in foodstuffs;

and in the definition of “star anise for human consumption” terms used in this Order have the same meaning as in the Commission Decision.


O.J. L 33, 2.2.02, p.31.