The Peterhead Harbours Revision (Constitution) Order 2002

Transitional provisions

10.—(1) All trustees elected or appointed in accordance with the 1992 Act, except as specified in paragraph (2) below, shall remain in office for the term specified in that Act.

(2) The trustee appointed under paragraph 4(1)(a) of the Schedule to the 1992 Act shall go out of office on the date that this order comes into force.

(3) No further elections or appointments shall be made under the 1992 Act save for the filling of casual vacancies under section 14 of the Schedule to that Act.

(4) On the date that this order comes into force, the appointment and election procedure shall be carried out for one person in accordance with article 3(1)(e), who shall go out of office on the election date in 2004.

(5) For the purposes of the appointment and election procedure in paragraph (4) above, in articles 2 and 7(1)(d) references to the election date shall be taken to be a date between two and three months after the date that this order comes into force.

(6) On the election date in 2002, three persons shall be elected under article 3(2)(a)(i) and the person receiving the fewest votes shall go out of office on the election date in 2004.

(7) If there is a tie for who has received the fewest votes at the election set out in paragraph (6) above, or there are only three approved candidates then one such person shall be chosen by lot to go out of office on the election date in 2004.