The Disease Control (Interim Measures) (Scotland) Order 2002

Article 6



1.  A biosecurity officer responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements of this Schedule must be appointed by any person holding a market.

2.  Any person holding a market shall ensure all fixtures, fittings and inner areas that are maintained in good repair and are capable of being cleansed and disinfected.

3.  Access may be permitted to alleys, pens, sale rings and loading banks of the stock area within the market premises, but any person holding a market shall ensure that those persons having access (including personnel working in the market) must wear clean clothing suitable for the purpose and rubber boots when having such access (except in the case of those handling or leading breeding bulls or other haltered cattle who may, instead of rubber boots wear robust footwear capable of being cleansed and disinfected.

4.  A record of all personnel working in the market must be prepared and retained by any person holding a market for a period not less than 6 months, and such personnel who have regular contact with livestock outwith the market must be identified as such in that record.

5.  Facilities must be provided by any person holding a market which are suitable for washing and disinfecting rubber boots, and that person shall ensure that boots are disinfected thoroughly on movement of persons from the stock areas to the public areas.

6.  Any person holding a market shall ensure that the stock area of the market premises is cleansed and disinfected between market days.

7.  A contingency plan for dealing with suspected notifiable diseases must be drawn up by any person holding a market, and approved by the Divisional Veterinary Manager.

8.  Facilities must be provided by any person holding a market to allow for the removal of dead animals, bedding and excreta from vehicles as soon as possible.

Notification of sheep movements

9.  A record must be prepared by any person holding a market of–

(a)the information contained in the movement document required to be prepared for the purposes of regulation 13 of the Sheep and Goats Identification (Scotland) Regulations 2000 of all sheep which are presented at the market; and

(b)the lot number of any sheep sold (if used) or other identifier whether by group or otherwise; and

the information referred to under sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) above must be associated with the holding of destination of groups of sheep sold.

10.  The information recorded under paragraph 9 above must be notified by any person holding a market to the Scottish Ministers, in such form and manner as the Scottish Ministers may require, within 3 days of the date on which the market is held.

11.  Any person holding a market must issue the sheep movement document referred to in paragraph 9(a) above for each animal leaving the market.