
Article 3



The area of sea below high water springs enclosed by a line starting from a point at Srianach on Lewis at 58°North latitude 6°23'West longitude; then south along the shore of Lewis to a point at 57°56.4'North latitude 6°30'West longitude; then south to 57°45'North latitude 6°30'West longitude; then east to 57°45'North latitude 6°West longitude; then north to 58°North latitude 6°West longitude; then west to the point of beginning.


The area of sea below high water springs enclosed by a line starting from a point at 57°30'North latitude 7°00'West longitude; then north to a point on South Harris at 57°45'North latitude 7°00'West longitude; then south and east along the shore of South Harris to a point 57°45'North latitude 6°56'West longitude; then east to a point at 57°45'North latitude 6°30'West longitude; then south to a point on the Isle of Skye at 57°31'North latitude 6°30'West longitude; then west along the shore to a point at 57°30'North latitude 6°45'West longitude; then west to the point of beginning.