The TSE (Scotland) Regulations 2002

Slaughter of TSE susceptible animals at slaughterhouses

6.—(1) This regulation and regulation 7 below apply where the Scottish Ministers are satisfied it is necessary to slaughter any TSE susceptible animal for any purpose connected with the administration or enforcement of the annual programme of monitoring under article 6 of the Community TSE Regulation.

(2) Where the Scottish Ministers are satisfied that it is necessary to slaughter a TSE susceptible animal at a slaughterhouse, an inspector shall so inform the occupier of the premises concerned and direct the occupier to slaughter the animal in such manner and within such period as the inspector directs.

(3) Before an inspector directs an occupier to slaughter an animal under this regulation, that inspector shall consider the hygiene, specified risk material or animal welfare requirements with which the occupier must comply at the slaughterhouse in relation to–

(a)the slaughter of the animal; and

(b)any related operation, including–

(i)the handling of the animal before and at slaughter, or the handling, storage, treatment and disposal of the carcase, any part of the carcase or any blood derived from the carcase or any part of the carcase; and

(ii)any operation in relation to any other animal or the slaughter of any other animal at the slaughterhouse, including the handling of any other animal before and at slaughter, or the handling, storage, treatment and disposal of the carcase, any part of the carcase or any blood derived from the carcase or any part of the carcase of any other animal.

(4) Where the inspector is satisfied that for the purpose of complying with any of these requirements the occupier must–

(a)slaughter any other animal at the slaughterhouse; or

(b)carry out any such related operation,

the inspector shall direct the occupier to slaughter the other animal or carry out the related operation in such manner and within such period as the inspector directs.

(5) In directing an occupier under this regulation, an inspector may direct that occupier in relation to–

(a)the keeping and handling before and at slaughter of any animal at the slaughterhouse, whether or not it is to be slaughtered under a direction given under this regulation;

(b)the arrangements for the slaughter at the slaughterhouse of any animal slaughtered under a direction given under this regulation; and

(c)the treatment, storage and disposal of the carcase of any animal slaughtered at the slaughterhouse or any part of the carcase or any blood derived from the carcase or any part of the carcase.

(6) Any direction under this regulation shall be complied with at the expense of the person to whom the direction is given, except where and to the extent that the Scottish Ministers are satisfied that it is not proportionate for that person to bear some or all of that expense.

(7) Where the Scottish Ministers are satisfied that it is not proportionate for a person to whom a direction is given to bear some or all of the expense of complying with it, they shall give notice to that person of the proportion of the expense, if any, which they are satisfied the person should bear.

(8) If a direction under this regulation is not complied with, an inspector may arrange for it to be complied with and may recover the expense of such compliance from the person to whom the direction was given.