The Dairy Produce Quotas (Scotland) Regulations 2002

Records to be kept by purchasers

1.  In respect of each quota year, a purchaser shall keep, and retain for the relevant period, records comprising–

(a)details of each producer making deliveries to that purchaser, including–

(i)the name and address of each producer;

(ii)the wholesale quota available to each producer at the beginning and end of each quota year;

(iii)the representative fat content (butterfat base) of the milk delivered by each producer; and

(iv)the total quota available for the purchaser group concerned and weighted butterfat of that quota;

(b)details, in terms of each delivery and each month, of the quantities of milk or milk equivalent which each producer has delivered to that producer;

(c)details of the cumulative total of the quantities delivered to that producer each month by all producers;

(d)details of the average fat content of deliveries per month of each producer;

(e)details of the weighted average fat content of the cumulative total referred to in paragraph (c);

(f)a list of purchasers and other undertakings which deliver treated or processed milk or milk products to that purchaser;

(g)details, in terms of each such purchaser or undertaking and each month, of the quantities delivered to that purchaser by such purchaser or undertaking;

(h)details of the use to which milk and milk equivalent collected from that purchaser has been put;

(i)records of individual deliveries and accompanying collection documents identifying each delivery by producer, purchaser or other undertaking; and

(j)all books, registers, accounts, correspondence, commercial data, vouchers and supporting documents relating to the business activities of that purchaser.