The Parole Board (Scotland) Rules 2001


15.—(1) Subject to the provisions of these Rules, the Board may regulate its own procedure in dealing with any case.

(2) The Board shall deal with any case on consideration of–

(a)any written information, documents or written representations which the Scottish Ministers or the person concerned have sent to it under rule 5 or 7;

(b)any report of an interview conducted under paragraph (3); and

(c)any other information obtained by it under paragraph (4) or otherwise.

(3) The person concerned shall be entitled to request an interview with the Board before it reaches a decision, and–

(a)where he or she does so; or

(b)where the Board considers it desirable to interview that person or any other person, the chairman of the Board may authorise one or two members of the Board to conduct such an interview and to make a report thereon to the Board.

(4) In dealing with any case, the Board may request and consider information from any person and in any form.

(5) Subject to rule 6, the Board shall send to the person concerned a copy of any information obtained by it under paragraph (4) or otherwise which it considers to be relevant to the case.