

Appointment and powers of vice-chairperson

5.—(1) For the purpose of enabling the business of the NHS trust to be conducted in the absence of the chairperson, the directors of a trust shall appoint one of the trustees to be vice-chairperson for such a period, not exceeding the remainder of their period as director of the trust, as they may specify on appointment.

(2) Any director so appointed may at any time resign from the office of vice-chairperson by giving notice in writing to the chairperson, and the directors of the trust may appoint another trustee as vice-chairperson in accordance with paragraph (1).

(3) Where the chairperson of a NHS trust has died or has ceased to hold office or where that person has been unable to perform their duties as chairperson owing to illness, absence from Scotland or any other cause, the vice-chairperson shall take the place of the chairperson in the conduct of the business of the trust and references to the chairperson shall, so long as there is no chairperson able to perform their duties, be taken to include references to the vice-chairperson.