The Bell College of Technology (Scotland) Order of Council 2001

Academic Council

22.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), the Board shall appoint, and maintain by further appointment, an Academic Council in the manner specified in Part I of Schedule 2.

(2) The proceedings of the Academic Council shall be regulated in accordance with Part II of Schedule 2.

(3) The Board may from time to time delegate to the Academic Council or assume in place of the Academic Council such particular powers and functions as it may determine but subject thereto the Board shall delegate to the Academic Council the following of its functions:–

(a)the functions of the Board relating to the overall planning, co-ordination, development and supervision of the academic work of the College;

(b)the determination and maintenance of academic standards, the content of the curriculum, the quality of courses and other matters essentially concerned with pedagogy, research and scholarship;

(c)developing, monitoring, reviewing and withdrawing academic programmes of the College; and

(d)advising the Principal on the resource implications of academic developments, and on the academic implications of budgetary and other proposals.

Provided that the functions specified in this paragraph shall be discharged by the Academic Council subject to the general control and direction of the Board.

(4) The Board may from time to time require that any matter which the Board may specify shall be determined by the Academic Council only with the approval of the Board.

(5) In discharging the functions specified in paragraph (3), the Academic Council shall have all the powers and duties of the Board in relation to those functions and shall have the power to make any recommendation to the Board on such matters relating to those functions as the Academic Council may think fit.

(6) The Board shall make arrangements to secure that the Academic Council shall discharge the functions imposed on them by or under paragraph (3).

(7) The Academic Council may from time to time with the approval of the Board regulate the procedures to be adopted by it including the appointment by the Academic Council of such committees as may be considered appropriate by the Board, and any other matters connected with the functions of the Academic Council.

(8) Subject to the limits contained in paragraph (1)(c) of Part I of Schedule 2 the Academic Council may co-opt persons to the Academic Council.