The Air Quality Limit Values (Scotland) Regulations 2001


Averaging PeriodLimit valueMargin of toleranceDate by which limit value is to be met

1.  24-hour limit value for the protection of human health

24 hours50μg/m3 PM10 not to be exceeded more than 35 times a calendar year70μg/m3 on 19th July 2001, reducing on 1st January of each following year by 5μg/m3 to reach 50μg/m3 by 1st January 20051st January 2005

2.  Annual limit value for the protection of human health

Calendar year40 μg/m3 PM1046.4μg/m3 on 19th July 2001, reducing on 1st January of each following year by 1.6μg/m3 to reach 40μg/m3 by 1st January 20051st January 2005