The St Mary’s Music School (Aided Places) (Scotland) Regulations 2001

School travel grants weekly boarding pupils

21.—(1) This paragraph shall apply in the case of an aided pupil who is a weekly boarder at the school.

(2) Where an aided pupil’s walking distance between home and school exceeds 4.8 kilometres, the school shall, in respect of each school year, pay a school travel grant to the parents of an aided pupil at the school in relation to school travel expenditure reasonably incurred in respect of journeys between home and school in that year:

Provided that for the purposes hereof–

(a)where a pupil’s expenses are in respect of journeys by public transport and they are in excess of what they would have been if advantage had been taken of available arrangements for reduced or concessionary fares, the excess shall be disregarded;

(b)where a pupil’s expenses are in respect of journeys by air and they are in excess of what they would have been if advantage had been taken of available train, boat or hovercraft services and arrangements for reduced or concessionary fares the excess shall be disregarded;

(c)where a journey is to a place other than the pupil’s home and their expenses are in excess of what they would have been if the journey had been to the pupil’s home, the excess shall be disregarded;

(d)where a journey is to a place outside the British Islands, so much of the expenses as are in respect of a journey between a port, hoverport or airport within the British Islands and that place shall be disregarded.