

Eartags and tattoos

14.—(1) Any eartag attached under these Regulations shall be—

(a)either metal or plastic or a combination of both;


(c)printed or stamped with the letters and number required under these Regulations by a method that ensures that they are easy to read for the sheep or goat’s lifetime;

(d)incapable of re-use; and

(e)such that it does not interfere with the well-being of the sheep or goat.

(2) An eartag attached under these Regulations shall not be coloured red unless it is a replacement eartag attached under the provisions of regulation 15(4)(a) below.

(3) Any tattoo applied under these Regulations shall be designed to be legible for the life of the sheep or goat.

(4) The keeper of a sheep or goat may add further information to the eartag or tattoo but only if that information does not deface or detract from the information required to be provided by these Regulations.

Removal and replacement of eartags and tattoos

15.—(1) Except under the authority of an inspector, no person shall—

(a)remove an eartag which has been attached in accordance with these Regulations, unless the eartag has become illegible or has to be removed for welfare purposes, or replace such an eartag, unless the eartag has become illegible, has to be removed for welfare purposes or has been lost; or

(b)remove a tattoo applied to a sheep or goat in accordance with these Regulations, or replace such a tattoo, unless the tattoo has become illegible.

(2) Where—

(a)an eartag has been lost or removed in accordance with paragraph (1) above; or

(b)a tattoo has become illegible,

the keeper of the holding on which the animal is kept (other than an abbatoir or market) shall replace it in accordance with paragraphs (3) and (4) below.

(3) When replacing an eartag or tattoo pursuant to this regulation, the keeper shall re-mark the sheep or goat with an eartag or tattoo with the original number or with an eartag or tattoo bearing the flockmark or herdmark of the holding on which the sheep or goat is residing providing that the original identification mark is known and that the original and new identification marks are cross-referenced in the register required under regulations 4 and 6 above.

(4) If it is not possible to re-mark the sheep or goat in accordance with paragraph (3) above, the keeper shall re-mark it with either—

(a)an eartag coloured red and consisting of the letters “UK” followed by the flockmark or herdmark of the premises of the holding on which it is being tagged followed by the letter “R”; or

(b)a tattoo consisting of the flockmark or herdmark of the premises of the holding on which it is being tagged followed by the letter “R”.

Additional eartags and tattoos

16.  No person shall affix to a sheep or goat any eartag or tattoo bearing a flockmark or herdmark except in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.

Alteration of eartags and tattoos

17.  No person shall alter, obliterate or deface the information on an eartag or tattoo applied under these Regulations.