Scrabster (Inner Harbour Development) Harbour Revision Order 2000

1.  For Section V (First and other Meetings of Trustees) of the Act of 1841 there shall be substituted–

V.  And be it enacted, That the said Trustees shall meet in the Court House or any other suitable Place in the Town of Thurso within Two Months after the passing of this Act, or as soon thereafter as conveniently may be, and proceed to the Execution of this Act, with Power to adjourn from Time to Time; and the said Trustees shall also hold an Annual General Meeting in the Year One thousand eight hundred and forty-two, and in every year thereafter at such time as the Management Committee (whom failing the Trustees) shall think fit, with Power to adjourn from Time to Time and the Clerk to the Trustees shall notify the Trustees of such Meetings by means of an advertisement in a paper circulating in Caithness not less than 42 days before the Annual General Meeting Provided that not more than fifteen months shall elapse between the date of the Annual General Meeting and that of the next and in all Cases Five of the said Trustees shall be a Quorum, and at their Meetings the Trustees present at such Meetings shall elect their Preses for the Time; and all Questions shall be decided by a Majority of the Trustees present at the respective Meetings; the Preses, in the case of an Equality of Votes, having a casting Vote besides his Vote as a Member of the Meeting..