The Invergarry-Kyle of Lochalsh Trunk Road (A87) Extension (Skye Bridge Crossing) Toll Order (Variation) Order 1999


2.—(1) The Invergarry-Kyle of Lochalsh Trunk Road (A87) Extension (Skye Bridge Crossing) Toll Order 1992(1) shall be varied as follows.

(2) In article 2(a) the definitions of “calendar year”, and “Retail Price Index” shall be omitted; and the definition of “tolled traffic” shall be amended by substituting for the word “vehicle” the word “traffic” and by omitting the words “the table forming”.

(3) For article 4, there shall be substituted the following–

4.(1) The maximum toll chargeable for a single crossing in respect of each description of traffic specified in the first column of Part I of the Schedule to this Order being, in each case, a description of traffic crossing the bridge during the period beginning on 1st May in each year and ending on 30th September in that year, shall be the figure specified in the corresponding entry in the second column of that Part of that Schedule.

(2) The maximum toll chargeable for a single crossing in respect of each description of traffic specified in the first column of Part II of the Schedule to this Order being, in each case, a description of traffic crossing the bridge during the period beginning on 1st October in each year and ending on 30th April in the next following year, shall be the figure specified in the corresponding entry in the second column of that Part of that Schedule.

(3) Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2) above, each description of traffic specified in the first column of Part III of the Schedule to this Order shall be entitled to make a single crossing by providing the Concessionaire with a ticket purchased in accordance with the terms of an agreement entered into by virtue of section 36(3)(b) of the Act (compounding in advance for the payment of tolls) which provides for the purchase of a book of–

(a)20 non transferable tickets (in the case of a motorcycle or a car); and

(b)10 non transferable tickets (in all other cases),

at a price for the relevant book of tickets no higher than that specified in corresponding entry in the second column of that Part of that Schedule..

(4) For Schedule 1 there shall be substituted the Schedule to this Order.

(5) Articles 5 and 6 and Schedule 2 shall be omitted.


S.I. 1992/1501; amended by the Invergarry-Kyle of Lochalsh Trunk Road (A87) Extension (Skye Bridge Crossing) Toll Order (Variation) Order 1997 (S.I. 1997/2941).