(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order amends Schedule 3 to the Pensions (Northern Ireland) Order 2005 to enable the Pensions Regulator to disclose restricted information to the Money and Pensions Service (“MaPS”) to facilitate the exercise by MaPS of certain functions. These are MaPS functions under—

  • Articles 215A to 215G of the Pensions (Northern Ireland) Order 2005 in respect of which the Pensions Dashboards Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2022 have been made, and

  • the Financial Guidance and Claims Act 2018 in relation to the dashboards ecosystem and pensions dashboard services.

A pensions dashboard service is an electronic communications service intended to enable individuals (or other authorised persons) to request and view information relating to an individual’s pension entitlements electronically. The dashboards ecosystem is a term used and defined in the Pensions Dashboards Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2022 for the interconnected system that enables pensions dashboard services to work in accordance with those Regulations.

The functions exercised by MaPS include setting standards on matters such as connection and security and the provision of the dashboards ecosystem including the connection and disconnection of pension schemes to it.