
Revocation and transitional provision

20.—(1) The Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000(1) are revoked.

(2) Subject to the transitional provisions in paragraph (3), the Medicines (Administration of Radioactive substances) Regulations 1978(2) and the Medicines (Radioactive Substances) Order 1978(3) are also revoked to the extent that they apply in Northern Ireland.

(3) Any certificate issued to a person under the Medicines (Administration of Radioactive Substances) Regulations 1978 which is valid on 6th February 2018 is deemed—

(a)to be a licence issued under these Regulations for as long as that certificate remains valid; and

(b)to license the employer responsible for the medical radiological installation for the matters specified in that certificate.

(4) Nothing in paragraph (3) prevents a person from applying for a licence under these Regulations on or after the date that they come into operation.