The Social Security Benefits Up-rating Order (Northern Ireland) 2017


Applicable amounts for income support

20.—(1) The sums relevant to the calculation of an applicable amount as specified in the Income Support Regulations(1) shall be the sums set out in this Article and Schedules 2 to 4 to this Order; and for this purpose a reference in this Article to a numbered regulation or Schedule is a reference to the regulation of, or Schedule to, the Income Support Regulations bearing that number.

(2) In—

(a)regulations 17(1)(b), 18(1)(c) and 21(1)(2); and

(b)paragraphs 13A(2)(a) and 14(2)(a) of Part III of Schedule 2(3),

the sum specified is in each case £3,000.

(3) The sums specified in paragraph 2 of Part I of Schedule 2 (applicable amounts: personal allowances) shall be as set out in Schedule 2 to this Order.

(4) In paragraph 3(1) of Part II of Schedule 2(4) (applicable amounts: family premium) the sum of £17∙45, in both places, remains the same.

(5) The sums specified in Part IV of Schedule 2 (applicable amounts: weekly amounts of premiums) shall be as set out in Schedule 3 to this Order.

(6) In paragraph 18 of Schedule 3(5) (housing costs: non-dependant deductions)—

(a)in sub-paragraph (1) for “£94∙50” and “£14∙65” substitute “£95∙45” and “£14∙80” respectively; and

(b)in sub-paragraph (2)—

(i)in head (a) for “£133∙00” substitute “£136∙00”,

(ii)in head (b) for “£133∙00”, “£195∙00” and “£33∙65” substitute “£136∙00”, “£200∙00” and “£34∙00” respectively,

(iii)in head (c) for “£195∙00”, “£253∙00” and “£46∙20” substitute “£200∙00”, “£259∙00” and “£46∙65” respectively,

(iv)in head (d) for “£253∙00”, “£338∙00” and “£75∙60” substitute “£259∙00”, “£346∙00” and “£76∙35” respectively, and

(v)in head (e) for “£338∙00”, “£420∙00” and “£86∙10” substitute “£346∙00”, “£430∙00” and “£86∙95” respectively.

(7) The sums specified in any provision of the Income Support Regulations set out in column (1) of Schedule 4 to this Order are the sums set out in column (2) of that Schedule.

Income support transitional protection

21.  The sums which are special transitional additions to income support payable in accordance with regulation 15 of the Income Support (Transitional) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1987(6) shall be increased by 1∙0 per cent.

Housing benefit

22.—(1) The sums relevant to the calculation of an applicable amount as specified in the Housing Benefit Regulations shall be the sums set out in this Article and Schedules 5 and 6 to this Order; and for this purpose a reference in this Article to a numbered regulation or Schedule is a reference to the regulation of, or Schedule to, the Housing Benefit Regulations bearing that number.

(2) In regulation B14(3)(7) (determination of a maximum rent (social sector))—

(a)in sub-paragraph (a) 14% remains the same; and

(b)in sub-paragraph (b) 25% remains the same.

(3) In regulation 24(3) (calculation of income on a weekly basis) the sums of £175∙00 and £300∙00 remain the same.

(4) In regulation 72(8) (non-dependant deductions)—

(a)in paragraph (1) for “£94∙50” and “£14∙65” substitute “£95∙45” and “£14∙80” respectively; and

(b)in paragraph (2)—

(i)in sub-paragraph (a) for “£133∙00” substitute “£136∙00”,

(ii)in sub-paragraph (b) for “£133∙00”, “£195∙00” and “£33∙65” substitute “£136∙00”, “£200∙00” and “£34∙00” respectively,

(iii)in sub-paragraph (c) for “£195∙00”, “£253∙00” and “£46∙20” substitute “£200∙00”, “£259∙00” and “£46∙65” respectively,

(iv)in sub-paragraph (d) for “£253∙00”, “£338∙00” and “£75∙60” substitute “£259∙00”, “£346∙00” and “£76∙35” respectively, and

(v)in sub-paragraph (e) for “£338∙00”, “£420∙00” and “£86∙10” substitute “£346∙00”, “£430∙00” and “£86∙95” respectively.

(5) In Schedule 1(9) (ineligible service charges)—

(a)in paragraph 2 for “£26∙85”, “£26∙85”, “£13∙60”, “£17∙85”, “£17∙85”, “£9∙00” and “£3∙30” substitute “£27∙10”, “£27∙10”, “£13∙75”, “£18∙05”, “£18∙05”, “£9∙10” and “£3∙35” respectively; and

(b)in paragraph 6(2) the sums of £28∙80, £3∙35, £2∙30 and £3∙35 respectively remain the same.

(6) The sums specified in paragraph 2 of Part I of Schedule 4 (applicable amounts: personal allowances) shall be as set out in Schedule 5 to this Order.

(7) In paragraph 3(1) of Part II of Schedule 4(10) (applicable amounts: family premium) the sums of £22∙20 and £17∙45 remain the same.

(8) The sums specified in Part IV of Schedule 4 (applicable amounts: amounts of premiums) shall be as set out in Schedule 6 to this Order.

(9) In paragraph 26 of Part VI of Schedule 4(11) (amount of components) for “£36∙20” substitute “£36∙55”.

(10) In paragraph 17(1) and (3)(c) of Schedule 5(12) (sums to be disregarded in the calculation of earnings) the sum of £17∙10 remains the same.

(11) In paragraph 58 of Schedule 6(13) (sums to be disregarded in the calculation of income other than earnings) the sum of £17∙10 remains the same.

Housing benefit for certain persons over the qualifying age for state pension credit

23.—(1) The sums relevant to the calculation of an applicable amount as specified in the Housing Benefit (SPC) Regulations shall be the sums set out in this Article and Schedules 7 and 8 to this Order; and for this purpose a reference in this Article to a numbered regulation or Schedule is a reference to the regulation of, or Schedule to, the Housing Benefit (SPC) Regulations bearing that number.

(2) In regulation 28(3) (calculation of income on a weekly basis) the sums of £175∙00 and £300∙00 remain the same.

(3) In regulation 53(14) (non-dependant deductions)—

(a)in paragraph (1) for “£94∙50” and “£14∙65” substitute “£95∙45” and “£14∙80” respectively; and

(b)in paragraph (2)—

(i)in sub-paragraph (a) for “£133∙00” substitute “£136∙00”,

(ii)in sub-paragraph (b) for “£133∙00”, “£195∙00” and “£33∙65” substitute “£136∙00”, “£200∙00” and “£34∙00” respectively,

(iii)in sub-paragraph (c) for “£195∙00”, “£253∙00” and “£46∙20” substitute “£200∙00”, “£259∙00” and “£46∙65” respectively,

(iv)in sub-paragraph (d) for “£253∙00”, “£338∙00” and “£75∙60” substitute “£259∙00”, “£346∙00” and “£76∙35” respectively, and

(v)in sub-paragraph (e) for “£338∙00”, “£420∙00” and “£86∙10” substitute “£346∙00”, “£430∙00” and “£86∙95” respectively.

(4) In Schedule 1 (ineligible service charges)—

(a)in paragraph 2(15) for “£26∙85”, “£26∙85”, “£13∙60”, “£17∙85”, “£17∙85”, “£9∙00” and “£3∙30” substitute “£27∙10”, “£27∙10”, “£13∙75”, “£18∙05”, “£18∙05”, “£9∙10” and “£3∙35” respectively; and

(b)in paragraph 6(2) the sums of £28∙80, £3∙35, £2∙30 and £3∙35 remain the same.

(5) The sums specified in Part I of Schedule 4 (applicable amounts: personal allowances) shall be as set out in Schedule 7 to this Order.

(6) In paragraph 3(1) of Part II of Schedule 4(16) (applicable amounts: family premium) the sum of £17∙45 remains the same.

(7) The sums specified in Part IV of Schedule 4 (applicable amounts: amounts of premiums specified in Part III) shall be as set out in Schedule 8 to this Order.

(8) In paragraph 9(1) and (3)(c) of Schedule 5(17) (sums disregarded from claimant’s earnings) the sum of £17∙10 remains the same.

(9) In paragraph 22 of Schedule 6(18) (amounts to be disregarded in the calculation of income other than earnings) the sum of £17∙10 remains the same.


See S.R. 2003 No. 195 which omits provisions relating to children and young persons and makes transitional arrangements in connection with the introduction of child tax credit


Regulation 17(1)(b) was amended by regulation 4(7) of S.R. 1993 No. 373, regulation 18(1)(c) was amended by regulation 4(8) of S.R. 1993 No. 373 and regulation 21(1) was amended by regulation 4(3) of S.R. 1994 No. 77, regulation 12 of S.R. 1996 No. 199, regulation 2(2) of S.R. 1996 No. 449, paragraph 6(a) of the Schedule to S.R. 2002 No. 132 and paragraph 4(a) of Schedule 1 to S.R. 2003 No. 195


Paragraph 13A was inserted by regulation 2(c)(ii) of S.R. 2000 No. 367 and sub-paragraph (2) was substituted by regulation 2(7)(f) of S.R. 2007 No. 154 and paragraph 14 was substituted by regulation 2(7)(g) of S.R. 2007 No. 154 and sub-paragraph (2) was amended by regulation 3(6)(b) of S.R. 2011 No. 135 and regulation 11(5)(d)(ii) of S.R. 2016 No. 228


Paragraph 3 was amended by regulation 18 of S.R. 1988 No. 318, regulation 5(4)(a) of S.R. 1996 No. 288, regulation 8 of S.R. 1998 No. 112 and Article 16(4) of S.R. 2015 No. 124


Schedule 3 was substituted by Schedule 1 to S.R. 1995 No. 301 and paragraph 18(1) and (2) was amended by regulation 2(3)(j)(i) and (ii) of S.R. 1995 No. 434, regulation 3 of S.R. 1997 No. 3, Article 7(2) of S.R. 1999 No. 472 (C. 36), regulation 4(b)(i) of S.R. 2004 No. 394 and regulation 2(3) of S.R. 2016 No. 110


S.R. 1987 No. 460; regulation 15 was amended by regulation 10 of S.R. 1988 No. 132, regulation 2(3) of S.R. 1998 No. 153, regulation 4 of S.R. 1989 No. 371 and regulation 3 of S.R. 1991 No. 341


Regulation B14 was inserted by regulation 5(7) of S.R. 2016 No. 326


Regulation 72(1) and (2) was amended by Article 20(3) of S.R. 2012 No. 116 and regulation 5 of S.R. 2016 No. 110


Paragraphs 2 and 6(2) were amended by Article 19(4) of S.R. 2015 No. 124


Part II of Schedule 4 was omitted by regulation 3(1)(c) of S.R. 2016 No. 310 and regulation 5 of that instrument makes transitional arrangements in connection with the abolition of the family premium; paragraph 3(1) was amended by regulation 19(7)(a) of S.R. 2011 No. 357 and Article 19(6) of S.R. 2015 No. 124


Part VI was added by regulation 3(17)(d) of S.R. 2008 No. 378 and amended by Article 19(8) of S.R. 2015 No. 124


Paragraph 17(1) and (3)(c) was amended by regulation 2(6)(b) of S.R. 2009 No. 382 and Article 19(9) of S.R. 2015 No. 124


Paragraph 58 was amended by Article 19(10) of S.R. 2015 No. 124


Regulation 53(1) and (2) was amended by Article 21(3) of S.R. 2012 No. 116 and regulation 6(2) of S.R. 2016 No. 110


Paragraphs 2 and 6(2) were amended by Article 20(4) of S.R. 2015 No. 124


Part II of Schedule 4 was omitted by regulation 3(1)(c) of S.R. 2016 No. 310 and regulation 5 of that instrument makes transitional arrangements in connection with the abolition of the family premium; paragraph 3(1) was amended by Article 20(6) of S.R. 2015 No. 124


Paragraph 9 was amended by Article 20(8) of S.R. 2015 No. 124


Paragraph 22 was amended by regulation 6(6)(d) of S.R. 2008 No. 498 and Article 20(9) of S.R. 2015 No. 124