

SCHEDULE 5Certification requirements

PART 4Certification of certified material

Propagating material (other than mother plants) and fruit plants

20.—(1) Propagating material (other than mother plants) and fruit plants may be certified as certified material if the propagating material or fruit plant meets the requirements in sub-paragraph (2).

(2) The requirements are that the propagating material or fruit plant—

(a)is propagated from a certified mother plant that—

(i)has been grown from pre-basic material or basic material; and

(ii)has been grown in soil that is found, by sampling and testing, to comply with paragraph 23;

(b)has been verified by an inspector as being true to the description of its variety in accordance with paragraph 7;

(c)complies with the time period referred to in paragraph 8(4);

(d)complies with the requirements concerning defects in paragraph 12;

(e)complies with the health requirements in paragraph 22; and

(f)has been grown in soil that is found, by sampling and testing, to comply with paragraph 23.

(3) Where a certified mother plant or certified material no longer fulfils the requirements in sub-paragraphs (2)(b) to (f) the supplier must—

(a)remove the mother plant or material from the vicinity of other certified mother plants and certified material; or

(b)take appropriate measures to ensure that the mother plant or the material complies with those requirements again.

(4) A supplier may use any mother plant or material removed in accordance with paragraph (3)(a) as CAC material provided the mother plant or material fulfils the requirements in Schedule 1 for CAC material.

(5) For the purpose of this paragraph, any reference to pre-basic mother plants or to pre-basic material in paragraphs 7, 8(4) and 12 is to be construed as reference to certified mother plants or, as the case may be, to certified material.