
Citation and commencement

1.  These Regulations may be cited as the Carlingford Area (Definition of the Mouth of the Clanrye River) Regulations 2016 and shall come into operation on 1st November 2016.


2.  In these Regulations –

“the Foyle Fisheries Acts” means the Foyle Fisheries Act 1952 and the Foyle Fisheries Act (Northern Ireland) 1952

Definition of the Mouth of the Clanrye River

3.  The mouth of the Clanrye River flowing into Carlingford Lough is hereby defined to be a straight line, marked M on the map or plan in the Schedule and drawn in a line bearing 236° 60’ true from the point marked O on the said map or plan at Irish Grid Reference point J14470, 17885 in the County of Down in Northern Ireland, to the point marked P on the said map or plan at Irish Grid Reference point J13920, 17049 in the County of Louth in the Republic of Ireland; and the point or points of the mouth of the Clanrye River from which distances are to be measured under the Foyle Fisheries Acts are hereby defined to be any and every point on the aforesaid straight line marked M.

Given under the Seal of the Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission on 14th September 2016.

Legal seal

J Pollock

Chief Executive of the Loughs Agency

Approved by the North/South Ministerial Council on                2016.

C Shannon

Joint Secretary of the North/South Ministerial Council

S O’Neill

Joint Secretary of the North/South Ministerial Council being persons authorised by the North/South Ministerial Council to signify approval on its behalf.