The General Register Office (Fees) Order (Northern Ireland) 2016

Article 2


This schedule has no associated Explanatory Memorandum



Paragraph 34A(1) was inserted by section 14 of 2011 c. 20 (N.I.)


Paragraph (4C) was inserted by section 16 of 2011 c. 20 (N.I.)


As amended by section 18 of 2011 c. 20 (N.I.)


Article 40A was inserted by section 11 of 2011 c. 20 (N. I.)


Article 40B was inserted by section 19 of 2011 c. 20 (N.I.)


Article 35(5) was inserted by section 23 of 2011 c. 20 (N.I.)


Article 35A was inserted by section 24 of 2011 c. 20 (N.I.)


Section 155(6) was inserted by section 23 of 2011 c. 20 (N.I.)


Section 155A was inserted by section 24 of 2011 c. 20 (N.I.)


Basic birth index search displays forename and surname, year of birth, sex, mother’s maiden surname, registration number and district of registration.

Basic death index search displays forename and surname of deceased, year of death, sex, registration number and district of registration.

Enhanced birth index search displays basic index information along with date of birth, district of birth, father’s forename and surname and mother’s forename and surname.

Enhanced death index search displays basic index information along with date of death, date of birth, and marital status.

Basic marriage search displays surname of bride and groom, forename of either bride or groom, year of marriage, registration number and district of registration.


Enhanced marriage search displays basic index information along with date of marriage, place of marriage, date of birth of bride and groom and age at marriage of bride and groom.


Basic civil partnership search displays surname of partner 1 and partner 2, forename of either partner 1 or partner 2, year of civil partnership, registration number and district of registration.


Enhanced civil partnership search displays basic index information along with date of civil partnership, place of civil partnership, date of birth of partner 1 and partner 2 and age at civil partnership of partner 1 and partner 2.

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
Statutory ProvisionServiceNew FeeOld Fee
£ p£ p
Births and Deaths Registration (Northern Ireland) Order 1976 (N.I. 14)
Article 34(2) and (4)General search of indexesNil7.00
Basic index search(*)NilNil
Enhanced index search(**)50 pence per credit40 pence per credit
Particular search7.007.00
Certified copy of any entry in a register8.008.00
Article 34(A)(1)(a)Remote access to information contained in the registers
Basic index searchNilNil
Enhanced index search50 pence per credit40 pence per credit
To view a record in the registers5 credits (50 pence per credit)5 credits (40 pence per credit)
Access in General Register Office to any information contained in the registers
To view a record in the registers5 credits (50 pence per credit)5 credits (40 pence per credit)
Article 37(5)Recording under Article 37(3) or (4), change of name or surname35.00 (16.00 for second or subsequent members of the family)35.00 (16.00 for second or subsequent members of the family)
Article 37(4C)(b)Individual notification of a change of name or surname8.008.00
Article 38Search in a register in a registrar’s office7.007.00
Certified copy of entry in a register8.008.00
Article 40(c)Short Birth Certificate:
First copy issued at time of registration of the birthNilNil
Particular search7.007.00
Any copy issued thereafter8.008.00
Article 40Still-Birth Certificate:
First copy issued at time of registration of the still-birthNilNil
Particular search7.007.00
Any copy issued thereafter8.008.00
Article 40A(d)Short Death Certificate:
First copy issued at time of registration in relation to the death of an infant child under 1 year old when birth and death are registered simultaneouslyNilNil
Particular search7.007.00
Any copy issued thereafter8.008.00
Article 40B(3)(e)Individual notification of a birth or death registration8.008.00
Article 42(1)For the purposes of the enactments specified in Schedule 1 to that Order but not the Industrial Assurance (Northern Ireland) Order 1979 (N.I. 13) or Friendly Societies Act 1974 (c. 46)
Certified copy of an entry8.008.00
For the purposes of the Industrial Assurance (Northern Ireland) Order 1979 and the Friendly Societies Act 1974
Certified copy of an entry8.008.00
Article 42(3)Furnishing information for the purposes of any enactment specified in Schedule 1 to that Order8.008.00
Civil Registration Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 (2011 c.20)
Section 30Commemorative copy of birth, death, marriage or civil partnership entry40.0040.00
Section 31Entry in Record of Northern Ireland Connections register under Section 31(2) (to include copy of entry)40.0040.00
Search of indexes7.007.00
Document relating to an entry in the Record of Northern Ireland Connections8.008.00
General search of indexesNil7.00
Marriage (Northern Ireland) Order 2003 (N.I 3)
Article 3(3)(b)Marriage notice22.0022.00
Article 19(1)(a)Solemnisation of a civil marriage36.0036.00
Article 35(3)(a)Search of indexes7.007.00
Article 35(3)(b)Document relating to an entry in a marriage registration record8.008.00
Article 35(5)(f)Remote access to information contained in the registers
Basic index search(1)NilNil
Enhanced index search(2)50 pence per credit40 pence per credit
To view a record in the registers5 credits (50 pence per credit)5 credits (40 pence per credit)
Access in General Register Office to any information contained in the registers
To view a record in the registers5 credits (50 pence per credit)5 credits (40 pence per credit)
Article 35A(3)(g)Individual notification of a marriage registration8.008.00
Article 36

Document relating to the registration of marriages for the purposes of any prescribed statutory provision

Article 37General search of indexesNil7.00
Basic index searchNilNil
Enhanced index search50 pence per credit40 pence per credit
Article 37Attendance by the registrar at his Office on Monday-Friday after 5pm or Saturdays 9am-5pm for the purpose of solemnising a civil marriage126.00126.00
Article 37Attendance by the registrar at his Office on a Sunday, a Bank Holiday or a Saturday after 5pm for the purpose of solemnising a civil marriage180.00180.00
Article 37Waiving of marriage notice period (excluding death bed notice period)22.0022.00
Civil Partnership Act 2004 (2004 c.33)
Section 139(2)(b)Civil Partnership notice22.0022.00
Section 155(3)(a)Search of indexes7.007.00
Section 155(3)(b)Document relating to an entry in a civil partnership registration record8.008.00
Section 155(6)(h)Access in General Register Office to any information contained in the registers
To view a record in the registers5 credits (50 pence per credit)5 credits (40 pence per credit)
Section 155A(3)(i)Individual notification of a civil partnership registration8.008.00
Section 156(1)Document relating to the registration of civil partnerships for the purposes of any prescribed statutory provisions8.008.00
Section 157(1)(b)Waiving of civil partnership notice period (excluding death bed notice period)22.0022.00
Section 157(1)(b)Registration of civil partnership36.0036.00
Section 157(1)(b)General search of indexesNil7.00
Basic index search(3)NilNil
Enhanced index search(4)50 pence per credit40 pence per credit
Section 157(1)(b)Attendance by the registrar at his Office on Monday-Friday after 5pm or Saturdays 9am-5pm for the purpose of registering a civil partnership126.00126.00
Section 157(1)(b)Attendance by the registrar at his Office on a Sunday, a Bank Holiday or a Saturday after 5pm for the purpose of registering a civil partnership180.00180.00