
SCHEDULE 1Growing crop reports

PART 2Pre-basic seed potatoes

5.  A growing crop report stating that the seed potatoes are capable of being marketed as pre-basic seed potatoes shall not be issued unless the authorised officer is satisfied that—

(a)the seed potatoes are derived from nuclear stock or mother plants that are free from Blackleg., Dickeya, Leafroll, PVA, PVY and Potato viruses M, S, and X;

(b)the seed potatoes are grown in the year of application for certification on a farm on which only pre-basic seed potatoes are planted;

(c)the growing plants are free from symptoms of Blackleg;

(d)the number of growing plants not breeding true to the variety or are of a different variety is not likely to be more than 0.01%;

(e)in the immediately succeeding crop produced from the seed potatoes the number of growing plants showing symptoms of virus infection is not likely to be more than 0.5%;

(f)the growing plants are free from symptoms caused by PVA, PVY and Leafroll;

(g)the number of growing plants with mosaic symptoms, other than symptoms caused by PVA and PVY, is not likely to be more than 0.1%; and

(h)the number of field generations does not exceed four.