
Marketing of seed potatoes of conservation varieties

5.—(1) A person shall not market seed potatoes of a conservation variety unless—

(a)the variety is listed in the National List of varieties of potato species; and

(b)the seed potatoes have been produced in the United Kingdom.

(2) A person proposing to produce seed potatoes of a conservation variety shall, before the beginning of each production season, provide the Department, in such form and manner as the Department may require, with details in writing of the size and location of the area to be used to produce that seed.

(3) For the purposes of Articles 14 and 15(2) of Commission Directive 2008/62/EC, the Department may specify the maximum amount of seed potatoes of a conservation variety that may be marketed in any given production season and may also specify different maxima for different persons or classes of persons.

(4) The quantity of seed potatoes of a conservation variety marketed by a person shall not exceed any maximum amount specified under paragraph (3) in relation to that person.

(5) Any person marketing seed potatoes of a conservation variety shall provide the Department, if requested to do so in writing, with details in writing of the quantity and variety of the seed potatoes placed on the market during each production season.