
Notification to be given before leaving the United Kingdom

5.—(1) An offender who proposes to leave the United Kingdom, except to travel to the Republic of Ireland, must give a notification under section 69(2) in accordance with these Regulations.

(2) An offender who proposes to leave the United Kingdom to travel to the Republic of Ireland for a period of three days or longer must give a notification under section 69(2) in accordance with these Regulations.

(3) Where an offender to whom these Regulations apply knows the information required to be disclosed by section 69(2)(a) and (b)(1) more than seven days before the date of the offender’s proposed departure, the offender shall give a notification which sets out that information and as much of the information required by regulation 6 as the offender holds—

(a)not less than seven days before that date (the seven day notification requirement); or

(b)as soon as reasonably practicable but not less than 24 hours before that date, if and only if the offender has a reasonable excuse for not complying with the seven day notification requirement.

(4) Where the offender does not know the information required to be disclosed by section 69(2)(a) and (b) more than seven days before the date of the offender’s proposed departure, the offender shall give not less than 12 hours before that date, a notification which sets out that information and as much of the information required by regulation 6 as the offender holds.


A notification under section 69(2) must disclose the date on which the offender will leave the United Kingdom, the country (or, if there is more than one, the first country) to which the offender will travel and the offender’s point of travel in that country.