Provision of Health Services to Persons Not Ordinarily Resident Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015

Visitors to whom general health services shall be available

24.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2) general health services shall be available to a visitor who is exempt from charges under—

(a)regulation 5 (lawful residence for 12 months);

(b)regulation 6 (presence for work, study etc, or to settle);

(c)regulation 8 (reciprocal arrangements);

(d)regulation 9 (refugees, asylum seekers and children in care);

(e)regulation 10 (human trafficking);

(f)regulation 11 (exceptional humanitarian reasons)

(g)regulation 12 (diplomats);

(h)regulation 13 (NATO forces);

(i)regulation 14 (long term visits by United Kingdom pensioners);

(j)regulation 15 (war pensioners and armed forces compensation scheme payment recipients);

(k)regulation 16 (Her Majesty’s United Kingdom Forces, Crown servants and others);

(l)regulation 17 (former residents working overseas);

(m)regulation 18 (missionaries);

(n)regulation 19 (prisoners and detainees);

(o)regulation 20 (employees on ships);

(p)regulation 22 (family members of visitors);

(q)article 18(1) of Regulation (EC) No 883/2004.

(2) Where general health services are provided to a visitor under this regulation no charge may be made or recovered in respect of those services, except to the extent that charges would be payable by a person ordinarily resident in Northern Ireland.