

Visitors exempt from charges – exceptional humanitarian reasons

11.—(1) Where a visitor who has been granted leave to enter the United Kingdom for a course of treatment applies (or someone on his behalf applies) for exemption from charges for services forming part of health services, and the Department determines exceptional humanitarian reasons justify it, then no charge may be made or recovered in respect of that visitor and that course of treatment.

(2) Such a determination may only be made by the Department if it is satisfied in the case of that visitor that—

(a)the treatment specified is not available in that person’s home country;

(b)the necessary arrangements have been made for temporary accommodation for that person, any authorised companion and any authorised child for the duration of the course of treatment; and

(c)the necessary arrangements have been made for the return of that person, any authorised companion and any authorised child to their home country when the course of treatment is completed.