
Procedure for modification of proposals

13.—(1) Where after considering objections and representations with respect to its proposals, the council proposes to modify proposals to make or alter a scheme (whether to comply with a direction by the Department under paragraph 5(3) of Schedule 1 or otherwise), unless it is satisfied that the proposed modifications will not materially affect the content of the scheme or the alterations, the council must—

(a)prepare a list of the proposed modifications, which must include the council’s reasons for proposing them;

(b)make copies of that list available for inspection at all places where the original proposals were made available pursuant to regulation 5(a);

(c)give notice by local advertisement in Form 4; and

(d)serve a notice to the same effect on any person who has duly made objections or representations with respect to the proposed scheme or alterations, and not withdrawn them, and on any other person whom the council considers should be notified.

(2) Objections or representations with respect to proposed modifications considered by the council (or, in a case to which regulation 17(1) applies, the Department) materially to affect the content of the scheme or alterations as previously proposed, must be made in writing and sent to the council in accordance with the details given in notice by local advertisement in Form 4 within a period of eight weeks beginning with the date on which the notice mentioned in paragraph (1)(c) is first published in a local newspaper.

(3) The council must consider all objections or representations with respect to proposed modifications, made in accordance with paragraph (2), which have not been withdrawn.

(4) The council must make a copy of every direction given by the Department under paragraph 5(3) of Schedule 1 available for inspection at the places mentioned in sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph (1), together with the list there mentioned (if any); and where there is such a list, the list must identify the modifications proposed in response to the direction, and, if they do not comply with the direction in any respect, must include a statement of the council’s reasons for not proposing full compliance.