
Permanent Pasture

3.—(1) If it is established that the ratio in Article 37(1) of the Commission Delegated Regulation has decreased in 2014 at national or regional level, the Department may prohibit a farmer from converting land under permanent pasture, except in the circumstances mentioned in Article 37(2) of that Regulation or with prior authorisation from the Department.

(2) If it is established that the ratio in Article 37(1) of the Commission Delegated Regulation has decreased in 2014 at national or regional level by more than 5% the Department shall prohibit a farmer from converting land under permanent pasture except in the circumstances mentioned in Article 37(2) of the Regulation or with prior authorisation from the Department.

(3) Any authorisation given by the Department under paragraph (1) or (2) may be subject to the conditions referred to in the third sub-paragraph of Article 37(1) of the Commission Delegated Regulation.

(4) Where it is established that the obligation referred to in Article 3(2) of Regulation 1122/2009 cannot be ensured in 2014 the Department shall oblige a farmer to reconvert land into land under permanent pasture in accordance with Article 37(3) of the Commission Delegated Regulation.

(5) This Regulation shall apply only to the year 2015.