
Ill-health retirement

11.—(1) A member who qualifies for Tier 1 benefits or Tier 2 benefits under the 2014 Regulations who would have benefited from the protection in regulation 20(7) (transitional protection for those aged 45 before 1st April 2009) of the Benefits Regulations(1) if those Regulations had applied on the date the member’s employment was terminated, is entitled to benefits equalling the higher of—

(a)the Tier 1 benefits or Tier 2 benefits, as the case may be, calculated under the 2014 Regulations and these Regulations; or

(b)the benefits the member would have received under sub-paragraph (a) if the amount to be added under regulation 39(1) or (2) (calculation of ill-health pension amounts) of the 2014 Regulations were calculated by reference to the period that would have been added had regulation 30 (amounts of ill-health pension and grant) of the 2002 Regulations applied and if—

(i)the period of membership the member had accrued under the earlier Schemes and the Scheme had counted as a period of membership of the 2002 Scheme; and

(ii)the amount added under regulation 39(1) or 39(2) of the 2014 Regulations were calculated by reference to a 1/60th accrual rate.

(2) The 2014 Regulations shall apply to a person in respect of whom benefits are paid under regulation 20(2) (early leavers: ill-health) of the Benefits Regulations as if that person where in receipt of Tier 1 benefits under the 2014 Regulations.

(3) The 2014 Regulations shall apply to a person in respect of whom benefits are paid under regulation 20(3) (early leavers: ill-health) of the Benefits Regulations as if that person where in receipt of Tier 2 benefits under the 2014 Regulations.

(4) A certificate produced by an independent registered medical practitioner ((IRMP) as defined in Schedule 1 (interpretation) of the 2014 Regulations) under the 2009 Scheme may be used for the purposes of making determinations under the Scheme.

(5) A person who has received an ill-health pension and grant under the earlier Schemes, which for the purposes of this paragraph does not include the 2009 Scheme, is to be treated as if that person were in receipt of Tier 1 benefits under the 2014 Regulations.


Paragraph 7 was substituted by S.R. 2012 No. 183