

2.  After paragraph 4.10 insert—

4.10A.  When an officer makes a record of the stop electronically and if the officer is able to provide a copy of the record at the time of the stop and search, he or she must do so. This means that if the officer has or has access to a portable printer for use with the electronic recording equipment, then a copy of the record must be provided.

4.10B.  If the officer is carrying a paper version of the form, then a record must be provided at the time of the incident (See Note 19). An officer would not be required to produce anything other than a receipt if neither of these two scenarios (4.10A and 4.10B) are met, nor would they be required to provide a full record at the scene in the event that he or she was called to respond to an incident of higher priority. Where the person has been searched, the officer must explain how the person can obtain a full copy of the record of the search and give the person a receipt which contains:

(i)A unique reference number and guidance on how to obtain a full copy of the search;

(ii)The name of the officer who carried out the search (unless paragraph 4.,4 applies); and

(iii)The power used to stop and search them. [See Note 19.].