


General requirements

32.—(1) The business operator and any person engaged in the stunning or killing of an animal shall ensure that any instrument, restraining equipment, installation or other equipment which is used for stunning or killing is used in such a way as to facilitate rapid and effective stunning or killing.

(2) In the case of simple stunning, no person may stun an animal unless it is possible to kill it without delay.

Penetrative captive bolt

33.—(1) No person may use a penetrative captive bolt device to stun an animal unless—

(a)subject to sub-paragraph (3), the device is positioned and applied so as to ensure that the projectile enters the cerebral cortex; and

(b)the correct strength of cartridge or other propellant is used, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, to produce an effective stun.

(2) No person may shoot a bovine animal in the back of the head.

(3) No person may shoot a sheep or goat in the back of the head, unless the presence of horns prevents use of the top or the front of the head, in which case it may be shot in the back of the head provided that—

(a)the shot is placed immediately behind the base of the horns and aimed towards the mouth; and

(b)bleeding is commenced within 15 seconds of shooting or the sheep or goat is killed by another procedure within 15 seconds of shooting.

(4) A person who uses a captive bolt device must check that the bolt is retracted to its full extent after each shot and if it is not so retracted must ensure that the device is not used again until it has been repaired.

Non-penetrative captive bolt

34.  No person may stun an animal using a non-penetrative captive bolt except by an instrument which is applied in the proper position and which is used with the correct strength of cartridge or other propellant in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions to produce an effective stun.

Percussive blow to the head

35.—(1) No person may stun an animal using a non-mechanical percussive blow to the head.

(2) The prohibition in sub-paragraph (1) does not apply to rabbits provided the operation is carried out in such a way that the rabbit is immediately rendered unconscious and remains so until it is dead.

Electrical stunning other than by waterbath

36.—(1) No person may use electrodes to stun an animal unless—

(a)appropriate measures are taken to ensure that there is good electrical contact; and

(b)the strength and duration of the current used is such that the animal is immediately rendered unconscious and remains so until it is dead.

(2) No person may use electrodes to stun an animal individually unless the apparatus—

(a)incorporates an audible or visible device indicating the length of time of its application to an animal; and

(b)is connected to a device indicating the voltage and the current under load, positioned so as to be clearly visible to the operator.

Electrical stunning by waterbath

37.  No person may use a waterbath stunner to stun poultry unless—

(a)the level of the water in the waterbath has been adjusted in order to ensure that there is good contact with each bird’s head;

(b)the strength and duration of the current used is such that the poultry are immediately rendered unconscious and remain so until dead;

(c)where poultry are stunned in groups in a waterbath, a voltage sufficient to produce a current strong enough to ensure that every bird is stunned is maintained;

(d)appropriate measures are taken to ensure that the current passes efficiently, in particular that there are good electrical contacts;

(e)the waterbath stunner is adequate in size and depth for the type of poultry being stunned; and

(f)a person is available to ascertain whether the waterbath stunner has been effective in stunning the poultry and, if it has not been effective, will either stun or kill the poultry without delay.

Exposure to gas – prohibition

38.—(1) No person may stun an animal outside a slaughterhouse by exposure to gas.

(2) The prohibition in sub-paragraph (1) does not apply to the stunning of—

(a)pigs in a killing establishment; or


provided that the pigs or poultry are stunned in accordance with paragraphs 39 or 40 as appropriate.

Exposure to gas – pigs

39.—(1) No person may stun pigs by exposure to gas unless each pig is exposed to the gas for long enough to ensure it is killed.

(2) The business operator and any person engaged in the stunning of pigs by exposure to gas must ensure that—

(a)the gas stunner, including any equipment used for conveying a pig through the gas mixture, is designed, constructed and maintained so as to—

(i)avoid injury to a pig;

(ii)avoid compression of the chest of a pig;

(iii)enable a pig to remain upright until it loses consciousness; and

(iv)enable a pig to see other pigs as it is conveyed in the gas stunner;

(b)adequate lighting is provided in the gas stunner and the conveying mechanism to allow pigs to see other pigs or their surroundings;

(c)the gas stunner is equipped to maintain the gas concentration, as appropriate, in the gas stunner (in accordance with Table 3 of Chapter I of Annex I);

(d)there is a means of visually monitoring pigs which are in the gas stunner;

(e)there is a means of flushing the gas stunner with atmospheric air with the minimum of delay;

(f)there is a means of access to any pig with the minimum of delay;

(g)the gas stunner is equipped with devices to—

(i)measure and continuously display the gas concentration, as appropriate, in the gas stunner (in accordance with Table 3 of Chapter I of Annex I); and

(ii)give clearly visible and audible warning signals if the gas concentration falls below the required level (in accordance with Table 3 of Chapter I of Annex I); and

(h)no pig enters the gas stunner at any time when the visible and audible warning signals have been activated or when there is any defect in the operation of the gas stunner.

(3) The business operator and any person engaged in the stunning of pigs by direct exposure to gas mixture 1 (“carbon dioxide at high concentration”) in Table 3 of Chapter I of Annex I must ensure that—

(a)no pig enters the gas stunner if the displayed concentration by volume of carbon dioxide in the gas mixture falls below 80%; and

(b)once a pig enters the gas stunner it is conveyed to the point in the gas stunner of maximum concentration of the gas mixture within a maximum period of 30 seconds.

Exposure to gas – poultry

40.—(1) No person may stun poultry by exposure to gas unless—

(a)each bird is exposed to the gas for long enough to ensure it is killed; and

(b)in the case of stunning poultry in the circumstances mentioned in paragraph 2(1)(c) of this Schedule—

(i)stunning takes place on the premises where the poultry have been kept for the production of meat, eggs or other products; and

(ii)the owner of the poultry gives prior written notice to the competent authority, not less than five working days from the date on which the stunning takes place.

(2) No person may stun poultry by exposure to gas except in accordance with Table 3 Chapter I of Annex I.

(3) The business operator and any person engaged in the stunning of poultry by exposure to gas must ensure that—

(a)the gas stunner, including any equipment used for conveying poultry through the gas, is designed, constructed and maintained so as to avoid injury to a bird;

(b)the gas stunner is equipped to maintain the gas concentration, as appropriate, in the gas stunner (in accordance with Table 3 of Chapter I of Annex I);

(c)there is a means of visually monitoring poultry which are in the gas stunner;

(d)there is a means of flushing the gas stunner with atmospheric air with the minimum of delay;

(e)there is a means of access to any poultry with the minimum of delay;

(f)the gas stunner is equipped with devices to—

(i)measure and continuously display the gas concentration, as appropriate, in the gas stunner (in accordance with Table 3 of Chapter I of Annex I); and

(ii)give clearly visible and/or audible warning signals if the gas concentration falls below the required level (in accordance with Table 3 of Chapter I of Annex I);

(g)no poultry enter the gas stunner at any time when the visible and audible warning signals have been activated or when there is any defect in the operation of the gas stunner;

(h)poultry which arrive at the gas stunner in a transport crate and which are removed from the crate before entering the gas stunner are handled with care in a way that does not cause avoidable pain, distress or suffering; and

(i)after exposure to the gas nothing more is done to a bird until it is ascertained as dead.

(4) No person may operate a gas stunner consisting of a poultry shed or other building previously sealed to stun poultry by exposure to gas except under the direct supervision of a veterinary surgeon.

(5) In sub-paragraph (4), “poultry shed” means a building designed and constructed to house poultry that has been previously sealed so as to be capable of containing the gas mixtures in Table 3 of Chapter I of Annex I.

Bleeding or pithing

41.—(1) A person engaged in the bleeding or pithing of an animal which has been simple stunned shall ensure that the animal is bled or pithed without delay after it has been simple stunned.

(2) A person engaged in the bleeding of an animal which has been simple stunned shall ensure that the bleeding is—

(a)rapid, profuse and complete;

(b)completed before the animal regains consciousness; and

(c)carried out by severing the two carotid arteries or the vessels from which they arise.

(3) If an animal is bled after simple stunning, no person may cause or permit any further dressing procedure or any electrical stimulation to be performed on the animal before the bleeding has ended and in any event not before the expiry of—

(a)in the case of a turkey or goose, a period of not less than 2 minutes;

(b)in the case of any other bird, a period of not less than 90 seconds;

(c)in the case of bovine animals, a period of not less than 30 seconds; or

(d)in the case of sheep, goats, pigs and deer, a period of not less than 20 seconds.

(4) Sub-paragraph (3) does not apply to an animal which has been pithed.

(5) Where one person is responsible for the simple stunning and pithing, or for the simple stunning, shackling, hoisting and bleeding, of animals other than birds or rabbits or for some of those operations, such operations shall be carried out by him consecutively in respect of one animal before being so carried out by that person in respect of another animal.

(6) Where one person is responsible for the simple stunning and bleeding of birds or rabbits, those operations shall be carried out by that person consecutively in respect of one bird or rabbit before being so carried out by that person in respect of another bird or rabbit.


42.  No person may kill a horse in a killing establishment—

(a)except in a room or bay provided for that purpose in accordance with paragraph 10(a);

(b)in a room or bay in which there are the remains of a horse or other animal; or

(c)within sight of any other horse.

Surplus chicks in hatchery waste

43.—(1) No person may kill surplus chicks which are less than 72 hours old in hatchery waste except by one of the following methods—

(a)maceration in accordance with Table 1 of Chapter I and Chapter II of Annex I;

(b)exposure to a gas mixture in accordance with Table 3 of Chapter I and Chapter II of Annex I and this paragraph; or

(c)where there is no other method available for killing, cervical dislocation in accordance with Table 1 of Chapter I and Chapter II of Annex I.

(2) No person may kill surplus chicks which are less than 72 hours old in hatchery waste by exposure to a gas mixture unless the chicks are placed in the gas mixture and remain in the gas mixture until dead.

(3) The killing of surplus chicks which are less than 72 hours old in hatchery waste must be as rapid as possible.