

Walking licences for pet pigs

18.  The Department may issue a walking licence to a keeper of a pet pig allowing a person to take the pig for a walk off the holding without complying with articles 5(1)(c) or 14 but the person walking the pig shall carry a copy of the licence throughout the walk.

Movement restriction

19.—(1) An inspector may, serve a notice on a keeper of a holding, prohibiting the movement of pigs onto or off the holding specified in the notice, except in accordance with the conditions of a licence issued by the Department, if the inspector is satisfied that the prohibition is necessary for the proper enforcement of this Order in relation to that holding.

(2) An inspector may, serve a notice on a keeper of a pig, prohibiting the movement of that pig off the holding specified in the notice, except in accordance with the conditions of a licence issued by the Department, if the inspector is satisfied that the prohibition is necessary for the proper enforcement of this Order in relation to that pig.

Transitional and saving provisions

20.—(1) Any record in respect of pigs required to be kept by any person under the provisions of the Animals (Records) Order (Northern Ireland) 1997(1) as in operation immediately before the commencement of this Order shall be retained by the keeper for a period of 3 years from the end of the month in which the last entry in the record was made.

(2) Any record kept in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of the Aujeszky’s Disease Order (Northern Ireland) 1994 shall be retained by the keeper for a period of 1 year.

Amendment and revocations

21.—(1) The Animals (Records) Order (Northern Ireland) 1997 and the Animals (Records) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2000(2) are revoked.

(2) In article 13 of the Sales, Markets and Lairs Order (Northern Ireland) 1975(3), for “the Animal (Records) Order (Northern Ireland) 1997”, substitute “The Pigs (Records, Identification and Movement) Order (Northern Ireland) 2012”.