The Aujeszky’s Disease Order (Northern Ireland) 2012

CHAPTER 2Action on suspicion of disease and declaration of infected premises

Disease investigation

9.—(1) A veterinary inspector shall begin an investigation in any suspect infected premises to establish whether the Aujeszky’s Disease virus is present. This shall include taking samples from any pigs or carcases on the premises and having them tested in accordance with Annex III of Commission Decision 2008/185/EC(1) at a designated laboratory.

(2) If the tests carried out under paragraph 1 demonstrate that Aujeszky’s Disease virus is present, the veterinary inspector shall serve a notice on the keeper, or if different from the keeper the owner or occupier of the premises, declaring those premises to be an infected premises and imposing the measures in Schedule 1.

(3) If the tests carried out under paragraph 1 do not demonstrate the presence of Aujeszky’s Disease virus and the veterinary inspector is satisfied following the investigation that no Aujeszky’s Disease virus is present, the Department shall revoke the notice served under article 8(2).

Notice of intended slaughter

10.  Where the Department proposes to cause any pig to be slaughtered, an inspector shall serve a notice of intended slaughter on the keeper of the pig informing the keeper of the proposed slaughter.

Epidemiological investigation

11.  Where a veterinary inspector considers it appropriate the Department shall begin an epidemiological investigation to establish—

(a)the length of time that the Aujeszky’s disease virus may have existed on the suspect or infected premises;

(b)the movements of pigs into and out of the premises over a period of time determined by the veterinary inspector;

(c)the origin of that disease or Aujeszky’s disease virus;

(d)the identification of other premises contaminated with Aujeszky’s disease virus from the same source;

(e)the movement of any person or thing that could have carried that Aujeszky’s disease virus to or from the premises; and

(f)the possibility that pigs living in the wild may be involved in the spread of the disease,

and shall continue the investigation until these have been established so far as is practicable or the possibility of disease has been discounted.

Imposing measures on suspicion of disease relating to pigs living in the wild

12.  A veterinary inspector and, when acting under the direction of a veterinary inspector, an inspector or any officer of the Department may—

(a)undertake surveillance for pigs living in the wild;

(b)capture pigs living in the wild;

(c)take samples from pigs living in the wild;

(d)kill such a pig if the veterinary inspector is satisfied that—

(i)it is not possible to take samples from a pig without killing it; or

(ii)it is spreading or may spread disease or Aujeszky’s Disease virus to another pig.


OJ No.L59, 04.03.2008, p.19