
PART 5Procedures for safeguarding and repaying tenancy deposits

Application for repayment of a deposit – custodial schemes

15.—(1) A landlord must apply to the scheme administrator for repayment of any tenancy deposit paid to a scheme on, or as soon as is reasonably practicable after the end of the tenancy.

(2) The landlord’s application must specify the date on which the tenancy ended and the amount of the tenancy deposit which in the view of the landlord, should be:—

(a)repaid to the tenant; and

(b)repaid to the landlord.

(3) The tenant may apply for repayment of a tenancy deposit to the scheme administrator and must specify the date on which the tenancy ended and the amount of the tenancy deposit which in the view of the tenant, shall be:—

(a)repaid to the tenant; and

(b)repaid to the landlord.

(4) If an application for repayment has been made by the landlord in accordance with paragraph (1), or is made within 30 working days of the tenant’s application, the scheme administrator must not progress the tenant’s application.