
Procedure on registration of a sum payable in default

3.—(1) This regulation applies where the Chief Constable, or a person authorised by him to act in that behalf, issues a registration certificate under section 66 of the Justice Act.

(2) A registration certificate issued under section 66 of the Justice Act shall be registered in –

(a)the petty sessions district in which the offender appears to reside; or

(b)in the event that the offender does not appear to reside in Northern Ireland, in the petty sessions district in which the offence occurred.

(3) The clerk of petty sessions shall upon receipt of such a certificate—

(a)in the Order Book sign the entry required to be made by him by section 67(1) of the Justice Act; and

(b)give the defaulter notice of registration in the form in the Schedule.

(4) A sum payable in default shall be enforced only in accordance with regulations 4, 5 and 6.