
PART 2Rate Relief


7.—(1) If an accredited assessor, who carried out an assessment of a dwelling-house under these Regulations, is satisfied that the dwelling-house satisfies the definition of—

(a)low-carbon home, he shall issue a low-carbon home certificate which states that the dwelling-house is a low-carbon home within the meaning of these Regulations; or

(b)zero-carbon home, he shall issue a zero-carbon home certificate which states that the dwelling-house is a zero-carbon home within the meaning of these Regulations.

(2) In addition, both the low-carbon and zero-carbon home certificate shall state—

(a)in relation to the dwelling-house—

(i)the address, including the postcode; and

(ii)the property reference number from the energy performance certificate issued in respect of it;

(b)in relation to the accredited assessor issuing the certificate—

(i)the accredited assessor’s full name,

(ii)the name and address of the accredited assessor’s employer, or if he is self employed, the name under which he trades and his address; and

(iii)the accreditation scheme to which the accredited assessor belongs; and

(c)the date on which it was issued.