
Transitional provisions

7.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), where oil is stored in any container and that storage—

(a)commenced before 20 March 2011, these Regulations shall not apply to that storage until 31 December 2015 unless it is being carried on less than,

(i)10 metres from any waterway; or

(ii)50 metres from any well, spring or borehole;

in which case these Regulations shall apply to it from 20 March 2013;

(b)commenced on or after 20 March 2011 but before 20 September 2011, these Regulations shall not apply to it until 20 September 2011.

(2) If a notice served under regulation 8 is not complied with in relation to any container by the date specified in the notice, these Regulations shall apply from whichever is the latest of the following—

(a)the date specified in the notice;

(b)if the period for compliance is extended under regulation 8(4), the expiry of that extension; or

(c)if there is an appeal against the notice, the date on which that appeal is determined or withdrawn.