

Identification and restriction of offspring and cohorts

4.—(1) In accordance with Article 13(2) of the EU TSE Regulation as read with Article 2(1)(b) and (2) of Commission Decision 2007/411/EC, if—

(a)an animal is a suspected animal;

(b)the monitoring of bovine carcases under Schedule 2 Part I or under Annex III to the EU TSE Regulation, confirms that an animal is suspected of being affected with TSE; or

(c)the competent authority of another part of the United Kingdom or a member State notifies the Department that a bovine animal is suspected of being affected with a TSE,

then sub-paragraph (2) applies.

(2) Where this paragraph applies, an inspector must identify—

(a)(if the suspect animal is female) all its offspring born within two years prior to, or after, clinical onset of the disease; and

(b)(in all cases) all its bovine cohorts born on or after 1st August 1996.

(3) An inspector must serve a notice prohibiting movement of those animals identified in accordance with sub-paragraph (2) from the premises on which they are kept or where that inspector suspects they are kept (whether or not this is the same premises as that of the suspect animal) and remove any cattle passports.

(4) If the animals in sub-paragraph (2) cannot immediately be identified an inspector may serve a notice prohibiting the movement of any bovine animal from the premises pending identification.

(5) Movements of animals restricted by notice under sub-paragraph (3) are only permitted in accordance with regulation 16.