The Zoonoses and Animal By-Products (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2010

Regulation 2(3)

SCHEDULESchedule to be substituted for the Schedule to the Zoonoses and Animal By-Products (Fees) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2008

Regulation 3


Fees payable to the Department

ActivitiesFeeFee to be paid by:
Taking or supervising the taking of official control samples and or tests under point 4 of part D of Annex II to the European Regulations EU 2160/2003 as amended by EU 1237/2007£64.50 for the first ½ hour (or part thereof) of each visit plus £11.50 per ½ hour (or part thereof) thereafter.The person in charge of the holding
Conducting tests under point 4(b)(i) of part D of Annex II to the European Regulations EU 2160/2003 as amended by EU 1237/2007£77.50 for the examination of 5 faecal samples and 2 dust samplesThe person in charge of the holding
Conducting tests under point 4(b)(i) of part D of Annex II to the European Regulations EU 2160/2003 as amended by EU 1237/2007£115 for the examination of 5 pairs of boot swab samples and 2 dust samplesThe person in charge of the holding
Conducting tests under point 4(b)(ii) of part D of Annex II to the European Regulations EU 2160/2003 as amended by EU 1237/2007£2,407.00The person in charge of the holding
Conducting tests under point 4(b)(iii) of part D of Annex II to the European Regulations EU 2160/2003 as amended by EU 1237/2007£2,697.00The person in charge of the holding
Examination of official control samples£18.50The person in charge of the holding