The Census Order (Northern Ireland) 2010

  1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Citation and Commencement

  3. 2.Interpretation

  4. 3.Date of census

  5. 4.Persons with respect to whom returns to be made

  6. 5.Persons by whom returns to be made

  7. 6.Particulars in returns

  8. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Particulars to be stated in returns

      1. 1.Resident particulars

      2. 2.The total number of usual residents at the address.

      3. 3.For each usual resident— (a) except in a case to...

      4. 4.Visitor particulars

      5. 5.The total number of reckonable visitors at the address.

      6. 6.Demographic particulars

      7. 7.Current legal status as to marriage or civil partnership.

      8. 8.Whether a student (including a schoolchild) in full-time education and...

      9. 9.Country of birth.

      10. 10.If not born in the UK, and if the date...

      11. 11.Whether the person has lived outside Northern Ireland for a...

      12. 12.Whether on 27th March 2010— (a) the person was a...

      13. 13.Country of passport(s) held.

      14. 14.Whether the person describes themselves as: British, Irish, Northern Irish,...

      15. 15.As regards ethnic group, whether— (a) White;

      16. 16.Religion, religious denomination or body belonged to, if any, or...

      17. 17.Whether main language is English or another language (stating which)....

      18. 18.If main language is one other than English, whether the...

      19. 19.In respect of any person, whether able to—

      20. 20.Whether or not the person suffers from any health problem...

      21. 21.Whether or not the person has any conditions that have...

      22. 22.Whether the person’s health is in general very good, good,...

      23. 23.Whether or not the person looks after or gives help...

      24. 24.Education and Employment particulars for each person falling within article 6(2)(d)(ii) or 6(3)(b) applies

      25. 25.Whether or not the person has helped with or carried...

      26. 26.Whether that person during the week preceding census day was—...

      27. 27.If not working during the week preceding census day, whether...

      28. 28.If not working during the week preceding census day whether...

      29. 29.For the main job done during the week preceding census...

      30. 30.In respect of any person who was working or studying...

      31. 31.Accommodation particulars

      32. 32.Whether or not the accommodation is self-contained.

      33. 33.Excluding any bathrooms, toilets, halls or landings, or rooms that...

      34. 34.Whether or not the accommodation has been designed or adapted...

      35. 35.Whether or not the accommodation has central heating, and if...

      36. 36.Whether the household to which the return relates—

      37. 37.Where the household to which the return relates rents or...

      38. 38.The number of cars and vans owned, or available for...

      39. 39.Additional particulars for individual returns

      40. 40.If the accommodation is a communal establishment whether or not...

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Particulars to be stated in returns relating to Communal Establishments

      1. 1.Number of individual forms issued.

      2. 2.Number of individual forms collected.

      3. 3.Number of returns completed online.

      4. 4.Number of reckonable visitors staying overnight on census night.

      5. 5.Type of establishment.

  9. Explanatory Note