
Transfer of assets and liabilities

4.—(1) On the transfer date all the assets and liabilities of the Agency, not mentioned in Article 5, shall be transferred to the Regional Agency, including without limitation—

(a)the obligation to prepare the outstanding accounts of the Agency and to perform all statutory duties relating to those accounts;

(b)the property held on trust;

(c)any assets or liabilities arising out of or resulting from any contract for the purpose of enabling it to discharge its functions (including the provision of professional services relating to that contract) or arising anyway thereout.

(2) The transfer by this Order of any asset leased or hired from a third party or in which a third party has an interest, shall be binding on the third party notwithstanding that, apart from this Order, it would have required that party’s consent or concurrence.

(3) Any dispute arising out of any transfer which is effected by this Order shall be referred for arbitration to a person appointed by the Department.