
SCHEDULE 1Relevant Community provisions


Oenological Processes and Procedures, and Conditions for Release to the Market in Regulation 1493/99

Relevant Community provisionSubject matter
Regulation 1493/99 (each provision must be read in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 423/2008 in the second column):Provision of Regulation 423/2008 relating to the provisions of Regulation 1493/99:
  • Article 42(2), (3) and (6)

Article 42

Oenological practices and processes

  • Article 43

Details of oenological practices and processes
  • Annex IV paragraph 1

Article 5 and Annex IV

Article 8

Article 9

Article 10 and Annex VI

Article 11 and Annex VII

Article 12 and Annex VIII

Permitted oenological practices for fresh grapes, etc.
  • Annex IV paragraph 2

Article 13 and Annex IX

Permitted oenological practices for grape must for the manufacture of rectified concentrated grape must

  • Annex IV paragraph 3

Article 7 and Annex V

Article 8

Article 10 and Annex VI

Article 11 and Annex VII

Article 12 and Annex VIII

Article 14

Article 15

Article 16

Article 17 and Annexes IV and X

Permitted oenological practices for grape must intended for wine production
  • Annex IV paragraph 4

Article 18 and Annex XI

Article 19 and XII

Article 20

Article 21

Article 22 and Annex XIII

Oenological practices for certain products
  • Annex V paragraph A

Article 23 and Annex XIV and XVSulphur dioxide content
  • Annex V paragraph B

Article 24 and Annex XVIVolatile acid content in wine
  • Annex V paragraph C

Article 27 and Annex XVIIEnrichment limit (note: wine-growing zones are specified in Annex III of Regulation 1493/1999)
  • Annex V paragraph D

Article 26Permitted enrichment processes
  • Annex V paragraph E

Article 31 and Annex XVIIILimits on acidification and deacidification
  • Annex V paragraph F

Article 35

Article 36

Permitted sweetening methods and limits
  • Annex V paragraph G

Article 29

Article 30

Article 32

Article 33 and Annex XIX

Article 35

Permitted times for enrichment processes, acidification and deacidification
  • Annex V paragraph H

Article 28

Production of sparkling wine (no rules have been established in England under paragraph H(4))

  • Annex V paragraph I

Article 4 and Annex III

Article 28

Production of quality sparkling wine
  • Annex V paragraph J

Article 25

Article 37

Article 40 and Annex XX

Article 41 and Annex XXI and XXI(B)

Article 43

Production of liqueur wine
  • Annex VI paragraph D

Production of quality wine in a processing area
  • Annex VI paragraph G

Article 35Acidification, de-acidification and sweetening
  • Annex VI paragraph H

Enrichment, acidification and deacidificaction
  • Annex VI paragraph K

Article 4 and Annex III

Article 28

Quality sparkling wine psr
  • Annex VI paragraph L

Further provisions for liqueur wine
  • Article 44(1)

Wine that may be offered or delivered for direct human consumption
  • Article 44(2)

Restriction on the use of specified wine
  • Article 44(4) (subject to Article 44(6)

Use of grape must with fermentation arrested
  • Articles 44(5) (subject to Article 44(6)

Use of grape juice
  • Article 44(7)

Wine with low alcohol
  • Article 44(8)

Use of wine lees or grape marc
  • Article 44(9)

Use of piquette
  • Article 44(10)

Wine fortified for distillation
  • Article 44(11)

Grape must, etc., in fermentation
  • Article 44(12) to (14)

Restriction on the use of products originating in third countries
  • Article 45(1)

Article 46General rules relating to offer or disposal of certain products for direct human consumption