

Education, vocational training, programmes and activities

43.—(1) Arrangements shall be made at a centre for the education of each child according to his age and his needs.

(2) A child shall be occupied in and encouraged to develop his potential and skills through education, vocational training, physical education and programmes and activities designed to tackle offending behaviour.

(3) The education and vocational training provided under this rule shall, so far as practicable, be such as will foster personal responsibility and a child’s interests and skills and help to prepare him for his reintegration into the community.

(4) In the case of a child who is of compulsory school age, the curriculum shall be appropriate to his age, aptitude and ability and to any special educational needs he may have, and shall as far as possible satisfy the requirements of Article 4 of the Education Reform (Northern Ireland) Order 1989(1) so that after release a child may continue his education.

(5) A diploma or education certificate gained by a child while in detention shall not indicate that the diploma or certificate was gained in custody.

(6) The director, with the approval of the Secretary of State, may grant permission for a child who has been detained in a centre under a juvenile justice centre order to attend education and vocational training and employment or other facilities outside the centre in preparation for his reintegration into the community on release.

Resource centre

44.  A resource centre shall be provided in a centre and shall contain a range of instructional and recreational books, media and other items suitable for the learning and development of children who shall be encouraged and enabled to make full use of the resource centre, under such conditions as the director may determine.

Reintegration into the community

45.—(1) From the beginning of a child’s period of detention in a centre consideration shall be given, in consultation as appropriate with the child’s parent, other statutory or voluntary agencies and in particular, those responsible for his period of supervision under a juvenile justice centre order, to the child’s future and to the help to be given to him in preparation for his reintegration into the community.

(2) Before the end of a child’s period of detention under a juvenile justice centre order the director shall give to the child a careful explanation of his liability to supervision after release and the requirements with which he must comply.

(3) The plan prepared for a child in accordance with rule 15(3) shall have regard to the need to help the child in preparation for and after his return to the community.

(4) In the case of a child who will be of compulsory school age on his release contact shall be made with the relevant education authority so that arrangements can be made for his return to education in the community.