
Regulation 3


NOTE – the fees payable under the Zoonoses and Animal By-Products (Fees) (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2008 are shown below

ItemTransactionFeeOld Fee
1.Supervision by an inspector of the taking and submission of samples from breeding flocks under paragraph 14(1) & (2) of the Scheme.£39.50 for the first ½ hour (or part thereof) of each visit plus £10.79 per ½ hour (or part thereof) thereafter.£34·36 for the first ½ hour (or part thereof) of each visit plus £9.05 per ½ hour (or part thereof) thereafter.
2.Testing by the Department of composite faeces samples taken from breeding flocks under paragraph 27(2) & (3) of the Scheme.£18.50£9.00
3.Inspection of a laboratory which has applied for authorisation under paragraph 14(1) for the purposes of the Scheme for—
(a) 1 organism£351.50£362·00
(b) 3 organisms£373.00£370·90
4.Application Fee for the purposes of the control of salmonella in poultry under these Regulations consisting of additional administration of a first application.£8.50£10·60
5.Annual Registration for the purposes of the Scheme or the 2003 Regulations consisting of—
(a) Administration of processing an application;£20.00£24·60
(b) Distribution of 4 quality assurance samples to a laboratory authorised for the purposes of the Scheme, or the 2003 Regulations, or both, to enable the Department to assess the accuracy of its testing for those purposes, for—
(i) Salmonella£32.00£224.70
(ii) Salmonella, Enterobacteriaceae and Clostridium Perfringens when such samples are sent at the same time.£57.00£510.40