Daily rest

3.—(1) A cross-border worker is entitled in each 24 hour period to a rest period that is a minimum number of consecutive hours (“daily rest period”).

(2) In the case of a daily rest period that can be taken at the cross-border worker’s normal place of residence (“a daily rest period at home”) the minimum is twelve hours, but this is subject to paragraphs (3) and (4).

(3) Once a week a daily rest period at home may be reduced by the employer of a cross-border worker to a minimum of nine hours, but this is subject to paragraph (7).

(4) If a daily rest period at home is reduced by the employer below twelve hours, the minimum for the next daily rest period at home is increased by the number of hours, including any part of an hour, by which the earlier period was less than twelve hours.

(5) In the case of a daily rest period that cannot be taken at the cross-border worker’s normal place of residence (“a daily rest period away from home”) the minimum is eight hours.

(6) When there is a daily rest period away from home the cross-border worker is entitled to work that is scheduled to enable the worker to take the next daily rest period as a daily rest period at home.

(7) If a daily rest period at home is scheduled to be between two daily rest periods away from home, the daily rest period at home must not be reduced under paragraph (3) below ten hours.