
SCHEDULE 2Provisions Applicable when Testing Compliance with the Migration Limits

General Provisions

36.—(1) Any sample of plastic material or article shall be placed in contact with the appropriate simulant or the food for a period and at a temperature which are chosen by reference to the contact conditions in actual use in accordance with the provisions of this Schedule and, where appropriate, Schedule 3.

(2) At the end of the period referred to in sub-paragraph (1), analytical determination of the total quantity of substances (overall migration), each specific quantity of a substance (specific migration) or, as the case may be, both that total and that specific quantity released by the sample shall be carried out on the simulant or food, as the case may be.

(3) Verification that migration into food complies with a migration limit specified in regulation 9 or in Annex II, III or IV (for the purposes of this Schedule and Schedule 3 referred to together as “the Annexes”) shall be carried out under the most extreme conditions of time and temperature foreseeable in actual use in accordance with the provisions of this Schedule.

(4) Verification that migration into food simulants complies with a migration limit specified in regulation 9 or the Annexes shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this Schedule and using conventional migration tests, the basic rules for which are set out in Schedule 3.