The Meat (Official Controls Charges) (No.2) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007


15.  In this Schedule —

(a)“official auxiliary” and “official veterinarian” have the meanings respectively given to them in Article 2.1(h) and (f) of Regulation 854/2004;

(b)inspector” means an official veterinarian or an official auxiliary;

(c)the standard charge” means, the charge for any accounting period that is incurred in relation to a slaughterhouse, game–handling establishment or cutting plant and calculated in accordance with paragraph 3, 4 or 5, as the case may be;

(d)time costs” means, in relation to any establishment for any accounting period, the costs calculated in accordance with paragraphs 8 to 10; and

(e)any other expression used both in this Schedule and in Regulation 882/2004 has the meaning that it bears in Regulation 882/2004.