The Residential Family Centres Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007

Visits by registered provider

29.—(1) Where the registered provider is an individual, but who does not manage the residential family centre himself, he shall visit the residential family centre in accordance with this regulation.

(2) Where the registered provider is an organisation or a partnership, the residential family centre shall be visited in accordance with this regulation by—

(a)the responsible individual or one of the partners, as the case may be;

(b)another of the directors or other persons responsible for the management of the organisation or partnership; or

(c)an employee of the organisation or partnership who is not directly concerned with the conduct of the residential family centre.

(3) Visits under paragraph (1) or (2) shall take place at least once a month or as agreed with the Regulation and Improvement Authority and shall be unannounced.

(4) The person carrying out the visit shall—

(a)interview, with their consent and in private, such of the residents and their representatives and persons working at the centre as appears necessary in order to form an opinion of the standard provided in the residential family centre;

(b)inspect the premises of the residential family centre, its record of events and records of any complaints; and

(c)prepare a written report on the conduct of the residential family centre.

(5) The registered provider shall maintain a copy of the report required to be made under paragraph 4(c) in the centre and make it available on request to—

(a)the Regulation and Improvement Authority;

(b)the registered manager;

(c)the resident or their representative; and

(d)an officer of the HSS trust in the area of which the residential family centre is situated.

(6) In the case of a visit under paragraph (2)—

(a)where the registered provider is an organisation, to each of the directors or other persons responsible for the management of the organisation; and

(b)where the registered provider is a partnership, to each of the partners.