The Day Care Setting Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007

Facilities and services

18.—(1) Subject to regulation 4(3), the registered person shall provide facilities and services to service users in accordance with the statement of purpose.

(2) The registered person shall having regard to the size of the day care setting and the number and needs of service users—

(a)provide, so far as is necessary, appropriate telephone and other communication facilities;

(b)where necessary, provide for service users appropriate furniture, bedding and other furnishings and equipment suitable to the needs of service users;

(c)so far as it is reasonable and practicable to do so, provide sufficient and suitable kitchen equipment, crockery, cutlery and utensils, and adequate facilities for the preparation and storage of food;

(d)after consultation with the environmental health department of the district council for the district in which the day care setting is situated, make suitable arrangements for maintaining satisfactory standards of hygiene in the day care setting;

(e)keep the day care setting free from offensive odours;

(f)make suitable arrangements for the disposal of waste;

(g)provide, where necessary, a place where the money and valuables of service users may be deposited for safe keeping, and make arrangements for service users or their representative to acknowledge in writing the return to them of any money or valuables so deposited;

(h)where activities are provided by or on behalf of the day care setting, including training, occupation and recreation, there are arrangements to ensure that—

(i)activities are planned and provided with regard to the needs of the service users; and

(ii)service users or their representative are consulted about the planned programme of activities.